Friday, May 25, 2012

Korea University's IPSELENTI

After Yonsei's AKARAKA I was breath taken by the tremendous display of school spirit, fantastic cheers, and amazing performances. I soon discovered that our rival, Korea University, has a similar event. After hearing about this I decided I HAD to go and see it for myself! So I called, texted, and kakaotalked my Korean friends and I managed to score two tickets! Thank goodness for networking.  

At the rival university

Korea University's equivalent to Yonsei's AKARAKA is IPSELENTI. Just like AKARAKA, it is held every semester during the spring (around May) and has a full day of student performances, cheers, k-pop groups, and fireworks. The only main difference was that Korea University doesn't have an amphitheater, so the event is held on the football/soccer field. Because it's a larger location, it is easier to get a hold of tickets! 

Just like at AKARAKA, there was a surprise proposal. I wonder whether these proposals are a usual thing at these school events...But nonetheless, it's a very sweet/romantic gesture that never ceases to amaze me. Koreans truly are romantics. 

Girls Generation!

By the end of the night, I was overwhelmed by k-pop performances! I have to admit, Yonsei has a better location, program, and cheers. But Korea University had more k-pop performers. Besides just by having k-pop group Sistar perform, they won my heart, performance wise! 

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