Thursday, February 23, 2012

My Dorm Room at SK Global House

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't been posting regularly, I've been pretty swamped with long boring orientations at school. I've also been running around trying to get things settled. Even though I've been here for a week, there's still a lot of things I need to do...alien registration card, tuberculosis x-ray, opening a woori bank account, buying books, etc. But my main goal will be to post something at least every 3 or 4 days!

One of the few things I managed to do was to get a cell phone. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get a cell phone in Korea. Besides the obvious problems, like not being able to communicate to the salespeople; there are a lot of other difficulties! Apparently you need your alien registration card and a passport. Then you must go through the contracts. The contracts are cheap but it's all in Korean... I however settled for a old junk prepaid cell phone. I bought my cell phone in the lobby of the SK Global House (my dorm) at the office near the GS convenient mart. Apparently all you need is your passport and $$$. It's a little more advanced than a pay-as-you-go phone in Hawaii but it's not as good as a smart phone with apps. My junk phone has no internet/data but it apparently has video calls, text, radio, tv, mp3 player, a subway map, and a Korean to English dictionary (which doesn't really work that well). I have to pay for my texts which sucks, but I heard that in Korea you don't have to pay for the calls you receive! I don't know if that applies to international calls but I'll be sure to find out when the store opens tomorrow!
My junky cell phone

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